Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandanavian Stones and Crosses

We have a number of Angle-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian stones and part crosses. Surveyed by Guy Points, writer of a number of works on the subject, he says "The decoration on all this stonework is for the most part clear and easy to identify; the interlace, plait-work, ring-chain, knot-work in particular. In addition it has a free-arm crosshead with a human representation rarely seen on any other crosses. The two sections of the cross-base provide a good example of where both the top and sides are decorated with distinctive animals." Guy Points summarises his Gazetteer entry about St Bridget's stones in the document below.

General view of some of the stones
General view of some of the stones
An unusually patterned stone
An unusually patterned stone
A comparison of designs
A comparison of designs
The top of the very unusual open cross - described in detail in the document
The top of the very unusual open cross - described in detail in the document
Base and closed cross head detail
Base and closed cross head detail
More stone examples
More stone examples

For further information see "A Gazetteer of Anglo-Saxon, Anglo Scandinavian & Hiberno-Norse Sites: Cumbria, Dumfriesshire & Wigtownshire" by Guy Points. ISBN 978-09557679-9-9. See also "An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Church Architecture & Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian Stone Sculpture" by Guy Points. ISBN 978-0-9930339-0-2. Both books are being marketed in the UK and Europe by Oxbow Books - - and in North America by Casemate Academic -